Read first: Will PCSX2 run fast on my computer?
Hm, I did not, can I download one on this website?

Edit: nvm didnt realise it was just an option. Enabled it, will see now.

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It is a bit better I guess but still drops and becomes laggy at certain points.
^ That system you have should be enough. If you've applied Speedhacks already (be sure and move the EE and/or VU sliders over some), then your speed should usually be fine, but try not to expect absolute perfection, ya know?

You wouldn't happen to be playing straight off the disc? That can usually cause lag or slowdown. Be sure and rip your discs onto your HDD in ISO format (i.e. with Imgburn).
Hi Rezard! I'm not new or anything, I've been around here lurking, not yet registered. Anyway, I decided I should register and participate in the forums.

I'd like to ask you about what your build is like...because I'm getting one almost the same. Except I'll be using a Evga Superclocked gtx 560.

Are you using water cooling to OC your CPU to 4.9ghz?
Since I'm not looking at super OC my cpu, and I'll have an air cooler(not stocked), how far can I push the CPU on air cooling? I was thinking about hitting at least 4.2 ghz on air cooled.
Hey, HiroKiryuStrife. Welcome to the registered side of the forums. Smile

Believe it on not, I'm running purely on air (check my profile). This processor is great, and doesn't really run remotely hot (AVX can heat it up extra, though Wink). Needless to say, your OCing potential will likely not be limited by your temps, even on air. Most are reaching ~4.5Ghz on average. There are many others exceeding that on air, too.

One word of advice: Try and get a full ATX board. Some would say the mATX boards are "crippled". They do (obviously) pull it off, but they're a little... different. They don't necessarily lack the settings you need, but the full sized boards have more adjustments available. They also don't make you set the Vcore by offsets, like with (AFAIK) any mATX boards.
Oh thanks for the "registered" welcoming and for mentioning about the motherboard, Rezard. I actually did go with the full ATX one. The PRO version of Asus mobo right under the deluxed version. And thanks again for the clear up. To think I can hit that same clock speed you're hitting on air cooled alone is very nice.
Hi , my friend plan to get a new pc soon , a budget like pc for HTPC.
Though it would be nice to be able to play PCSX2 for his kids.

PC specification
I3 2100 - 3.1 Ghz
ATi HD 4670
2GB DDR3 ram
-Window 7

How well does is perform on pcsx2 for games like MGS3 ,GT4 , DMC3 , Dragon Quest VIII and FFX,-2,XII ?

Thank you Smile
MGS3 no, GT4 no, DMC3 probably not, Dragon Quest 8 mostly okay, FFX perfect, x-2 okay, XII okay.

You picked almost exclusively from the hard to emulate category there.
FFXII should be perfect aswell, I ran it at fullspeed at all times with my cpu on stock. Never tried the others on pcsx2 except FFX.
CPU: C2D E8400 @ 3.6
GPU: GTX 560Ti 2Gb
MOB: Asus P5QL
RAM: Crucial 4Gb
OS: Windows 7 64bit/XP 32bit
IMO - Koji has understated the potential a little bit in general, but he's definitely catagorized your selection correctly. MGS3 and GT4 are surely two of the "most demanding" games, DMC3 and DQ8 can be rather heavy, and the FF games are a fair bit heavy at times (FFX aside). The CPU being a 3.1Ghz 2nd gen Core i, it's actually quite comparible to a good Core 2 processor @ 3.5Ghz or greater. The GPU should handle native resolution at the very least, but should be able to pull some higher resolutions with many games.

@ HiroKiryuStrife:
Awesome, the full sized version of what I got. I almost got it, but the case I was going with stated it could only fit up to an 11" board. When it came, I found out there's a full 12" of space available. Angry

Oh well. At least I can still kick PCSX2's arse (when possible. LOL) Enjoy your cool new processor. Cool

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