ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
I have created a new folder on my skydrive for ZZOgl for windows and Rev 115 is uploaded : ZZOgl on my skydrive

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Thank you Val532!!! I've downloaded it, I'm gonna try it now and give some feedback! =D thanks again!
SAGER NP8690 | i7-620M 2.66Ghz | 6GB RAM | ATI 5870M 1GB GDDR5 | FullHD 1080p 15.6'' | 500GB HDD 7200RPM | WINDOWS 7
Err... I downloaded the file, puted it in plugins directory and it gets an error when loading pcsx (console error):

Plugin load failure: plugins\ZZOgl-r115m.dll
SysLibError Message: NULL
SAGER NP8690 | i7-620M 2.66Ghz | 6GB RAM | ATI 5870M 1GB GDDR5 | FullHD 1080p 15.6'' | 500GB HDD 7200RPM | WINDOWS 7
Yes, it's common trouble in windows. As far as I know, you need Cg.dll and CgGL.dll files from nvidia CG-toolkit into pcsx2 directory.
Thanks Zeydlitz! I have downloaded the cg toolkit, placed the libraries in my directory and now I am able to run with the plugin!

I just have one question, is there a way to change the "real" resolution (the "internal" equivalent to gsdx)? My screen is 1280x800, so I choose, say 1024x768. But the graphics are too pixelated, wich leads me to think the windows is 1024x768, while the graphics itself are being rendered in ps2 native resolution. Am I right or am I wrong? And is there a way to have higher resolutions?
SAGER NP8690 | i7-620M 2.66Ghz | 6GB RAM | ATI 5870M 1GB GDDR5 | FullHD 1080p 15.6'' | 500GB HDD 7200RPM | WINDOWS 7
The AA option basically does that you just have preset res's vs gsdx which allows you to pick whatever you want
Yes, it's AA option. The rule is:
AA target res
no AA x * y
x2 2x * y
x4 2x * 2y
x8 4x * 2y
x16 4x * 4y
Alright a new prob...
already placed in same place...! so the problem is when i start the emu it says that cg.dll not found...!
but the Plugin already loaded...also i can start a game...! dunno what's wrong...!
Well, maybe you run some other graphical plugin, not ZZogl?
I have an ATI, placing the ZZOgl-r115m.dll in /plugins doesn't work.
Any idea ?
  • Amilo XI 1546 Laptop.
  • XP SP 2.
  • Intel Core 2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00Ghz (2 CPUs).
  • 2046MB RAM.
  • ATI Mobility Radeon X1800 ( 256 MB ).

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