Cheating, the easy way
So, I've tried this method on Front Mission 5 to hack the RP value. I've found the exact address, changed the value, but the value keeps resetting to the original value!

Any solution? I'm using PCSX2 svn5001 and Cheat Engine 5.6
Intel Core2Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz x 2GB DDR2 RAM x XFX Nvidia Geforce 8600GT

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Either you didn't find the correct code or the game don't accept the value you set
or there is more than a value that indicate it and that isn't the main one
If the found address and the set value doesn't stick (Cheat Engine that is) you must check the square in front of the founded address. You'll see a red cross in it thus the number stays static. Also it's recommended to upgrade your version of Cheat Engine. They're now @ 6.1. You can get it here:
If the value doesn't stay and get back to original it's surely wrong adress you're looking at, probably just stores the value of displayed number and whatever you change/freeze it to, it'll change only display number and being updated to true value whenever the game ask for it ie. it will be useless to freeze it, couse you couldn't spend things you don't have nevermind the number shown(generalizing the true value could be 1 for each 10 or 100 for example, or keept in different format, like float instead of integer, eventually could be also calculated based on some completely different data).

My bet, you didn't found it couse looking for 4 byte integer while the value is stored(by looking at working code) in just 2 bytes, if you want an easy way, just use this for FM5 in your pnach, worked for me(I was using english patch that time, but I guess it shouldn't matter) :
//lots of rp&cp
Freezes both RP and CP, I wasn't bothering to seek values for this game myself as this code works fine already, but I guess RP is in the first two lines with value set to 999/0x03e7, not sure about the middle not even if the whole code is needed, potentially it could work even as
but I'm too lazy to check and assume the person which made the code knew why patching the rest which will made the above one liner unusable;P, just experiment for yourself if you want a cheat for RP without the CP one, for learning purposes you could just add 20267100(or directly 20267106 as 2 bytes which is the exact adress of RP value) as an adress in cheat engine and observe in memory view how the surroundings change when you earn/spend RP.
OK, so I actually prefer to use Cheat Engine as my base cheating tool, and 95% of the time I have no problem using it to cheat on my games, be they PC or emulated PSX/PSX2/Snes/etc... So anyway, I was able to locate virtually all the item locations myself, and money is pointless when you have unlimited items anyway.. but the one thing that i'm tired of grinding for in Valkyrie Profile 2 is crystals. Now logic would dictate that someone at SOME point in time found the address for those since there is a cheat for them available (see below). However at this point I have wasted well over 10hrs trying to find that location myself to no avail.. yes, I "know" I could use the cheat I listed below, but finding the cheat is a game in and of itself.

So I thought I would check here and attempt to "reverse engineer" this cheat, since this thread (supposedly) has a way to convert cheats found via cheat engine into .pnach style PCSX2 cheats, thinking that simpy reversing the process would result in a viable CE address. Imagine my surprise when the "key" piece of the puzzle is completely skipped in the process. I'm not exactly "new" at cheating here, so why is the explanation for getting from CE to .pnach seem like its missing a key step?

//gametitle=Valkyrie Profile 2 CRC cc96ce93
//Max 99999 Crystals
I'm not going to reread the guide just to check this but if you are using 0.9.8(r4600)or newer,anything you find in cheat engine is the same on pnach file but the first digit of the address you find is replaced depending on what type the code will be.

For example that code that you posted is the same in cheat engine and on pnach without any converting
2049A844 000000FF
2049A844 24030000
The first digit must be replaced with to correct number and that number depends on what the code address actually do.
On the fist line 2 is replaced by D because in that code the first address is enabler and enablers/joker codes are using D as first digit(you get my crystals when that code is enabled and you are purchasing any crystal)
Since that game have very good anti cheating protection,thanks to the first line,the second line(which is actually the amount of crystals)won't be applied until the value of the first address becomes FF(255)and that value becomes FF only when you are purchasing a crystal.

That value 24030000 in some way(some calculating way)it means to the game 99999.Not every cheat value is what you see
(01-31-2012, 08:08 AM)Xionanx Wrote: Imagine my surprise when the "key" piece of the puzzle is completely skipped in the process. I'm not exactly "new" at cheating here, so why is the explanation for getting from CE to .pnach seem like its missing a key step?

What "Key" piece is missing?

this code:

works fine as-is. but could be this instead (I think.. it may not have worked in testing):

however, it's not 100% essential all the time
Well, the problem I'm having is, and maybe this is just because VP2 is such a ***** to cheat in, is that reversing the address's listed in my previous post should point to some code in assembly that becomes active when you restore using crystals. I was hoping to use that address as a starting point to back trace what writes to it and access's it, but yeah.. no dice.
srry if posted in wrong part will codebreak code work for all ps2 game/type or would i need find uk code or j code or us code make cheats work

srry if u cant read or what i am asking i suck at typing an spelling lolWacko
i making (US) or (EU) NTSC only i live usa dont really know much about making cheatf or other then were i live

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