DS4Windows - J2K
Steam and Ryochan7/DS4Windows are both working to get the DualSense working , however i heard controller firmware updates you will need a PS5, i wonder if there is a workaround for that. DS4 you could update via Windows normally.

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I didn't even know about firmware updates for ds4, what did it improve?
Connectivity, input lag, monitoring battery correctly, i don't know the exact details of the logs but i would say everything to be fair.
Hello, I hope you are well.

Does anyone know why when I connect my DS4 to the PC via cable, it does not appear as an audio device? the controller works perfectly for gaming.

I understood that it only did not work via bluetooth.

Is it true that only the audio of the second generation dual shock 4 works?

Ryochan7 is the best ♥
Hello. I have a problem with the DS4 windows software and would appreciate if anyone could help. I have tried the old software version 1.4 and the new 2.2 by ryochan but they both seem to have an issue for me where sprinting with the left analog stick isnt possible. This is weird because it's fine for steam and when i use it on my ps4 but i tried using it for non-steam games and it doesn't work. Any ideas, thanks.
STILL having issues with the program saving the settings.

I almost always have to reset my settings even in the profiles i have saved. It always resets the color and the ability to shut off the controller when stopping it. Its pretty frustrating esp when there is always an update to do. It seems to never fix this issue. Can we get someone on that? Thanks.
o ds4 n reconhece o choque duplo (se ele interferir em algo antes de eu usar o inputmapper) "tradução do google"
Hi there!! First of all I'd like to say that your program is great!!
I really enjoy it and I always try to use it at it's fullest,
and recently I've noticed something:

It's not possible to have more than one buttone assigned
with the ''rumble'' function (from the extra menu)
and neither have more than one button changing the lightbar to an specific colour

(At least it didn't worked for me)

I was trying to create a profile for Guitarflash and I wanted to make the L2
change the lightbar colour to green, L1 to red, R1 to yellow and R2 to blue,
but just one of them works, and I was trying to get it to rumble when each
of those buttons were pressed individually

(And another thing! Idk if it's just on my controller, but when I press ''Test Heavy Rumble''
the controller just rumbles on the left side, and just on the right side with ''Light Rumble''.)

Thank you very much for the attention! Laugh
All the best.
Page Down = Next

I like binding PgUp & PgDn in pair for many games but in DS4W Page Down binds as "Next" instead. This was an ussue since I first found this amazing app for me until now. Is is hard to fix it?

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