The same thing as Kein posted also happens in Gladius, along with some other stuff. I reported it along with screenies here:

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(01-30-2009, 05:47 PM)Trehek Wrote: The same thing as Kein posted also happens in Gladius, along with some other stuff. I reported it along with screenies here:

I don't think it's the same.... in gladius there is missing GFX
but in DarkCloud2 the GFX just half wrong XD
looks like it pasted the left side of the items on the left xD in other item pictures
Chicken is not Vegan?

Gabest, another bug in Rule Of Rose (SLUS_214.48): GSdx don't show the movies, just black screen. ZeroGS works fine.

Tested on: latest pp, 0.9.5svn377
Gabest, i just wanted to report a bug

Devil May Cry 3 SE NTSC
GSDX 1.14 sse4

The game looks almost perfect in dx9 mode except for a strange mask that appears either on the left or right quadrant of the screen. In dx10 mode the entire screen seem to be covered in this mask and has strange extreme HDR effects. I've provided comparison shots. In this particular area dx9 mode doesn't have the mask on the side but it does show up in others. also just noticed that the shadow alignment on dx9 looks off while it looks correct on the dx10 shot. I don't know if this is a pcsx2 issue or gsdx issue but, the game also isn't displayed in the correct aspect, the screen is squeezed upward from the bottom and black space fills that area.

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this but Valkyrie Profile 2 has a serious problem which makes the game unplayable. As soon as you enter the forest, the game becomes like that. Tried in GSDX9 and GSDX10 hardware mode, native resolution. The graphics are completely broken :/

EDIT: Now that I look more closely, it seems that, rather than the graphics being broken, they're being covered up by something...because sometimes the picture becomes clear, but then it goes back to looking like that.

EDIT 2: I tried loading state from the forest in gsdx software mode (it was too slow to get there from the start) and aside from a reddish tint, the graphical problems seem to go away.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Hi Gabest,
Just reporting that Odin Sphere is awfully slow with gsdx 0.1.14 sse4, while it works fullspeed with zerogs. Since it's pure 2D, I thought it was weird.
(01-31-2009, 08:52 PM)happydays Wrote: I have selected "No Interlacing," but still my graphics turn all comby and jaggy whenever anything moves. So if it is outputting non-interlaced, why does this happen to me?

Thank you for your
help Smile

The game itself outputs interlaced graphics. GSDX's settings are for deinterlacing. Thus selecting "No Interlacing" GSDX does nothing and you get the jaggy image. Try playing with the different interlacing modes ( you can change them on-the-fly with F5 ).
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Hello, thank you for your reply. Smile

In another thread where I talked about this, another user of the board said that they get progressive graphics when choosing "None" for interlacing.

Here is a link to that thread:

If you don't want to read through it all then ere are some thoughts I wrote in that thread about this issue:

"...There is software (both commercial and homebrew) that can force a PS2 game to output in progressive scan mode instead of interlaced. And of course there are also some PS2 games that offer this option through their menus...
...For one example of what I mean check out this: does mean that through a third-party program all PS2 games can be made to run in progressive mode WITHOUT deinterlacing or interpolating, which means that it could be possible for an emulator like PCSX2 to force a progressive scan mode itself..."

Basically my thought is that it is clear that the PS2 can be forced to output progressive.

This possibility is interesting to me because I have tried all of the different de-interlacing options and none of them look right on my PC monitor (60hz.) They can lessen comb somewhat, but it is always there in some form.

So if homebrew and commercial software can be made that makes a game use progressive output, then it seems like it would have to be possible for a graphics interpreter running as part of an emulator to be able to force it also.

It is not a matter of changing the game's executable file, but of having a certain string of code loaded before the executable runs, as in the device I linked you to.

I read the PCSX2 FAQ and cannot find technical information on why the PCSX2 emulator only outputs in interlaced mode while every other emulator outputs progressive (even for systems that never supported any kind of progressive output, such as Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc.) Do you know where I please can read technical information onthis issue?

Thank you very much have a good weekend! Bye! Smile
The games that look progressive without any in-game option run at half rate but render full resolution images. The video-out is still interlaced at 60/50 fps but the two fields that get combined are from the same image so there is no sawtooth effect to see. When there is, two different images are rendered in vram and every second is shifted by half pixel down. This shifting can be done in many ways, by changing the global vertex offset or directly manipulating the vertex coordinates. I know a few games that are so buggy that the osd is not shifted just the 3d, or sometimes they forget about the field order and the screen shakes for a sec, even on tv. In the old days, gsdx (and other plugins) tried to round the offset or the coordinates, with a low success rate Tongue. The other trick was to report the same field on video-out all the time, that method only worked for games that did the shift based on this value, the rest either tracked the field in a privately alternated variable, or simply waited for this flag to change before starting the next frame and therefore stopped working. So, to summarize, there is no universal way to turn every game into progressive.


D3D fixes are on hold currently. I simply don't have time to spend hours on it for each game. The whole hw rendering thing needs a major rewrite, I've seen sample code for dx10-level hardware that utilized compute shaders, maybe we won't even have to upgrade to run gsdx11.
Hi Gabest, thanks for your reply!

So you are saying that the Xploder HDTV program just combines two frames and halves the frame rate? So whereas a normal PS2 game would run at 480i x 30, a game tweaked by HDTV Xploder will run at 480p x 15?

I ask because I thought that maybe a method similar to HDTV Xploder's could be used in PCSX2, but if it works in the way described above then I guess it's no different from your de-interlacing method of dropping a field.

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