God of War 1 & 2 looks playable
@ l[Shady]l

i think maybe its caused by the frameskip try pressing shift+f4 a couple of times,also this can be caused by the speedhacks too,try disabling some of them or maybe all.Oh i just remembered another thing,maybe you are using a too much higher value for the "skipdraw" under gsdx,try not to set a higher than "4" value

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Thanks for your help.
I should've figured it out on my own.
I had frameskipping disabled,skipdraw doesn't even have a place for me to put the value in (it's like the option isn't implemented).
Found that the cause is the microVU hacks.

Thanks again.
Okay guys, I just finished the game, and I was saving EXP cause there was an empty slot in the upgrades menu which I guessed was another weapon, but *spoiler* he gets the Blade of Olympus back * now there are TWO empty slots!
anyone knows what those are for?
and is there a way for me to start the game with the weapon, magic, and upgrades that I already have? or do I have to start all over again?
@ l[Shady]l

Yes there is a way,you will have to start the game in either easy or normal mode,and you will have all the upgrades of the previous game,new suits,and if you have found some urns you can use them too but remember that this only work on easy or normal difficulty,beacuse in the other ones you have to start all over again
The game is running slow for me. I'm using the PAL version and the game runs at about 35 fps with these settings (I'm using pcsx2 0.9.7).

Puttin the resolution to native doesn't improve the speed at all.I can get the game to run at full speed by putting the VU Cycle Stealing to 1 but then I get some graphics problems. Kratos is flashing and I aslo get another type of flashing which is much more annoying. It's hard to describe it but I managed to take a screenshot of it so it seems this is how it looks like in the middle of flashing

btw. this is my pc:

Intel Core2Duo E8500 3.16 GHZ
Win xp 32 bit
GeForce 9800 GT 1GB
3.25 GB RAM

So is it because of my PC or because of my settings? Could I get the game to run at full speed without VU Cycle Stealing (because it causes those annoying glitches)? Sad
Thanks diegochiha, I already restarted the game...but I don't know how to use the urns.

I got a 100k hit combo in the bonus arena as soon as I got it ...( I was trying to see what the maximum combo would be, turned out the game could increase the number of digits that much! )

VU CYCLE STEALING is your friend


DO It if it doesnt help you can call me nancy

number 2 or 3 should bump ya up
@ l[Shady]l

to use the urns you have to hit R1 while in the uprgade menu,the you should look at the bottom of the screen it will say how many urns have you unlocked in your previous game and by simply pressing X you should be able to activate them.And as for the combos 100 hits its just the begining if you chain your hits with the lighting stuff (poseidon rage i believe) then you can get 200-300 easy if there are lots of enemies on screen of course
Well,I tried to do what you mentioned but it didn't work, will try again later.
as for the combo, it wasn't one hundred...it was one hundred thousand, as I said I was trying to see what the maximum combo is, the combo could still be higher, but it got pretty boring.
hello, I would like to know how can I get the best performance with god of war 1&2 with my system:
amd phenom II x4 925 2,8ghz ; 2gb ddr3, ati 4770

right now i tried the latest version of pcsx2 0.9.7 and beta plugins from news page on the site. (gsdx r3068 sse2)
it looks ok, and plays well but I think it could be better, so i'd like to make the most out of it.
At the moment the image display looks like on ps2 (low res, no aa..)
sometimes there's a fog, and in some zones there are lines on the screen.

if i could get a good version of pcsx2 with plugins, that would be great.

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