Graphics stretch issue with latest nVidia drivers
Same issue there:

Just return back to 314.22 and the issue just disappear.
That problem are mainly (in my case) on FMV and title/loading screens.

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New 331.58 whql drivers same issue Replaceable on demand with first movie in VP2 Under DX11 HW , If switched to DX9 HW problem dont seem to be there, Pretty sure this zoom still happens in initial loading/Splash screen of SWTOR too, but as with last WHQL drivers It happens very very rarely and I still have not been able to actual capture said issue, Which is only PC game I really play atm and only PC game I seen it happen in.

Still think short of pcsx2 Dev reaching out to Nvidia about this and find middle ground to find way of fixing this it might go un solved for while short of maybe PCSX2 devs make some temporary Hack, To fix this for Nvidia cards
(10-21-2013, 07:31 PM)tsunami2311 Wrote: Still think short of pcsx2 Dev reaching out to Nvidia about this and find middle ground to find way of fixing this it might go un solved for while short of maybe PCSX2 devs make some temporary Hack, To fix this for Nvidia cards


It is a shame that this may go unresolved for quite a while. I'm stuck on 314.22 drivers for the time being, but from I've read on the nVidia forums, anything newer than that generally sucks.
Nvidia said that they were releasing some feedback drivers soon that will report to them the exact problems of each person's config for the freezes. Chances are if they fix those instabilities, then this will get fixed along with it too (because it all may be connected afterall).
Model: Clevo P570WM Laptop
GPU: GeForce GTX 980M ~8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X CPU +4.2GHz (12 CPUs)
Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3L 1600MHz, 4x8gb
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
(10-25-2013, 11:16 AM)sean_skroht Wrote: +1

It is a shame that this may go unresolved for quite a while. I'm stuck on 314.22 drivers for the time being, but from I've read on the nVidia forums, anything newer than that generally sucks.

Other then this issue I have no problem with the 331.58 The work great in fact I have yet to see this issue happen on anything but DX11 in PCSX2 with certain games.

But then it happening in the one PC game i playing (SWTOR) is super rare
It's weird because I have an Nvidia GeForce card and I just don't have this all.
This is what you call a "signature". There are many like it, but this one is MINE...and NO you can't have it.
Upgraded to 331.58, newest PCSX2 version 5752, no issues so far. Laugh
it only seem to happen some games and in DX11 but then I only seen it happen in VP2 movies and only in DX11 HW mode DX9 HW is fine
I still get it with the latest driver (tested a couple days ago) but I decided to wait it out on 320.24 here Tongue2
Yep, still happens here too. Devina, you tricked me xD
Model: Clevo P570WM Laptop
GPU: GeForce GTX 980M ~8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X CPU +4.2GHz (12 CPUs)
Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3L 1600MHz, 4x8gb
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

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