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Restarted my computer. Opened the DS4 Tool first and tried to play the game and it works perfect again Biggrin. Thanks for looking into it. Appreciate the help. Keep up the good work.

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I can't log in from the DS4Windows login window, it always gives me "invalid password", I tried different passwords (always consisting of random characters including numbers, upper and lower case letters and special characters).

Also I must say the older versions were better imho (but that is a point-of-view), it slowly turns into what killed motioninjoy for me (kinda html/web ui, ads all over the place). I probably will pay the 2 dollars to remove that add ... but I would've paid much more for a clean non-windows8-ui without internet-dependency.
Seriously ... the program just screams "gimme your money" instead of "here, look what I've made - if you want you could donate". (just my oppinion)

I really don't like the file scanning, I could block that but a better solution would be to make that automatic profiling optional (to be able to turn it off completely).

Thanks, sincerely - daisho
(08-23-2014, 10:13 AM)daisho Wrote: I can't log in from the DS4Windows login window, it always gives me "invalid password", I tried different passwords (always consisting of random characters including numbers, upper and lower case letters and special characters).

Also I must say the older versions were better imho (but that is a point-of-view), it slowly turns into what killed motioninjoy for me (kinda html/web ui, ads all over the place). I probably will pay the 2 dollars to remove that add ... but I would've paid much more for a clean non-windows8-ui without internet-dependency.
Seriously ... the program just screams "gimme your money" instead of "here, look what I've made - if you want you could donate". (just my oppinion)

I really don't like the file scanning, I could block that but a better solution would be to make that automatic profiling optional (to be able to turn it off completely).

Thanks, sincerely - daisho

Perhaps I can help.

It sounds like you didn't sign up first. The program login is for existing accounts, you must create one before logging in. I think its safe to do that from his home page at .. you will see a login box with a Register link below it.

I totally agree with everything else you said Smile
I already made an account on this site and I changed the passwords there several times (in case there is a length restriction which is not documented) to shorter ones.

I can login on the website without problem, account is also activated. But I can't login from within DS4Windows.
(08-23-2014, 10:45 AM)daisho Wrote: I already made an account on this site and I changed the passwords there several times (in case there is a length restriction which is not documented) to shorter ones.

I can login on the website without problem, account is also activated. But I can't login from within DS4Windows.
Sorry I couldn't help, I'm sure jhebbel will get it set straight soon Smile

Good luck!
(08-23-2014, 10:45 AM)daisho Wrote: I already made an account on this site and I changed the passwords there several times (in case there is a length restriction which is not documented) to shorter ones.

I can login on the website without problem, account is also activated. But I can't login from within DS4Windows.

1.4 has a known issue with some special characters, this has been fixed in 1.5 but for 1.4 the only option is to create a alphanumeric only password for the time being.
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(08-23-2014, 10:45 AM)daisho Wrote: I already made an account on this site and I changed the passwords there several times (in case there is a length restriction which is not documented) to shorter ones.

I can login on the website without problem, account is also activated. But I can't login from within DS4Windows.

That's definitely weird. Maybe you have special characters in your password? I don't know like "<" and stuff?
Maybe try to reset your password with simple shît, only letters and numbers first and then add crazy chars little by little. Maybe there is a bug there, like DS4Windows strips some characters or something.


As for what you said previously, you will maybe like the next 1.5 more. The internet dependency will not be mandatory anymore; that was actually a bug. And jhebbel said the file scanning will be worked on.
We gotta wait and see, but I honestly don't think DS4Tools will turn out like a montionjoy ad-crap. I do trust jhebbel to be really sincere with us.
(08-23-2014, 10:13 AM)daisho Wrote: I can't log in from the DS4Windows login window, it always gives me "invalid password", I tried different passwords (always consisting of random characters including numbers, upper and lower case letters and special characters).

Also I must say the older versions were better imho (but that is a point-of-view), it slowly turns into what killed motioninjoy for me (kinda html/web ui, ads all over the place). I probably will pay the 2 dollars to remove that add ... but I would've paid much more for a clean non-windows8-ui without internet-dependency.
Seriously ... the program just screams "gimme your money" instead of "here, look what I've made - if you want you could donate". (just my oppinion)

I really don't like the file scanning, I could block that but a better solution would be to make that automatic profiling optional (to be able to turn it off completely).

Thanks, sincerely - daisho

Motion joy hardly developing anymore is what killed motion joy lol, Fact is windows 8 is here and the the ribbon toolbar style has been here for even longer, its the direction things are going and like any other developer I'm just trying to keep up. 1.5 will have some UI tweaking options to change colors and such, but as for the sidebar navigation and top ribbon bar they are likely here to stay because they are simple lightweight and efficient use of space, I toyed around with putting all the navigation into the menu bar but I felt this kind of 'hid' the important parts of the application making it harder for new users to navigate. I have made a concession and made the sidebar collapsible to just icons though freeing up some more real estate, developing on 1080 monitors its easy to forget that there are still users on lower res displays or higher DPI settings.

I tried the donation only method with no ads for a little over a month and only had 1 donation the entire time, with this new method suffice to say I have had much more, enough so to supports costs and keep moving the project forward which is what's important. The issue of ads has been brought up before and my thoughts on the subject is that its one small ad that is in one spot of an application that spends 99% of its time hidden in your tray, some people can call it a money grab and thats fine, but the truth is i'm certainly not getting rich over here, but I am covering costs and thats all I wanted. I think the expectation for a developer to donate his time (which is usually worth $130/hr) to create a project, then when expenses are incurred to also expect the developer to pay out of pocket is a harsh request to make of anybody. This way even if the user decides not to donate, something that I have NEVER pressured anybody into doing, they are still supporting the server.

Donations are the difference between me spending an afternoon writing some code and posting it on a forum, and this being a full fledged project that is under constant development.
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(08-23-2014, 11:40 AM)RedShadow Wrote:
That's definitely weird. Maybe you have special characters in your password? I don't know like "<" and stuff?
Maybe try to reset your password with simple shît, only letters and numbers first and then add crazy chars little by little. Maybe there is a bug there, like DS4Windows strips some characters or something.


As for what you said previously, you will maybe like the next 1.5 more. The internet dependency will not be mandatory anymore; that was actually a bug. And jhebbel said the file scanning will be worked on.
We gotta wait and see, but I honestly don't think DS4Tools will turn out like a montionjoy ad-crap. I do trust jhebbel to be really sincere with us.

There are a log of bugs in the way 1.4 handles filesystem and http interactions, primarily the result of me have to 'hack' feature into the prexisting code that I took over from J2K, ElectroBrains, InhexSter, Scarlet Crush. The 1.5 development was a long time coming and once done will be a blessing to me to work with, it is being designed from the ground up with the features of 1.4 as well as future plans in mind.

For full disclosure here are the current 'privileges' this application grants itself.

* Read access to install directory of course
* Read/Write to %appdata%/DS4Tool (to be changed to /DS4Windows in 1.5)
* At launch: Read access to Program Files 32/64; This is a recursive scan to find executables and add to the list for the profile switching feature. The scan method will be abandoned in 1.5 due to the plain fact of there not being a less intrusive way to do this, it will be replaced with a manual browse and add interface.
* At foreground window switch: Read access to the foreground process to get the App name, Window Title, and exe path. These 3 factors are used to determine if the application is defined by the user in the profile switching feature.

*At launch and once a day thereafter: call to to check for updates
*At launch and at user request: Call to for user login and authentication
*On foreground window switch: Call to to determine if the forground window is a game and if so display relevent info in the "Currently Playing" frame. (In the future this will be cached by and routed through
*On launch: port 8080 (or user defined alternative) is bound to local IP and a listener is opened. This is what supports the web UI interface that is still under development (type localhost:8080 into your browser to preview). Unless explicitly set up by your router, this address is not visible outside you LAN network. As additional security, it is not running off any external open ended framework such as Apache, it is limited to only a certain number of predefined requests and handled completely inside the DS4Tool application.
*On DS4 device connect: a call is made to to check for cloud information (profiles, macros etc) for the device, this is not fully implemented and at present its just send a blank call with a blank response to test server load for when this feature is rolled out.
* Several HTTP requests for HTML frames in the application: Ad-banner, About Page, Donate and Support Page

*Several checks at installation to check for dependencies
*Check at runtime to set the applications browser emulation from IE7 to the users current installed version, basicly this is to make the about page under help render correctly.
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IM 2 Beta now supporting plugins and even more devices.

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Alright, without special characters it works flawless now (didn't tried that as the website mentioned that they are required for password).
/Edit: Donated those $2 for ad-free, it's the least I can do.

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