Read first: Will PCSX2 run fast on my computer?
true that, order online, wait for specials if you have to, the beauty of building PC's is that its how you want.
in my sig are my specs, if you google them up its not that bad for your money, but if you like PCSX2 and want good performance,
try getting Intel processors. personally I wouldnt get a quad core. Ha and funny joke here, make sure your PSU is powerful enough for
your hardware!! LOL haha.
(OS:Win7_64bit ULTIMATE) (M4a88TD-M asus mobo)
[Processor:AMD AthlonII x4 645 3.720ghz(OC)Quadcore]
VideoCard-[ATIradeon5750(OC) 850mhz 2GB
RAM-[DDR3-4GB Matched RAM w/ Heat Spreaders]HYperX BLU
cpu-cooler- H60 closed loop water cooling.

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Well, it never hurts to shop around. Very rarely do I see better prices in-store. The online market generally tries to out do their in-store competition (there's gotta be a benefit to waiting). On top of that, a wider selection can always be expected online, as the products don't have to be shipped locally in advance.

That Gigabyte will do you well, I'd bet. The reviews on Newegg do a good job summing up the board. Minor downfalls (nit-picky stuff, IMO), but a good mobo non-the-less.
Alright, now the total cost I came up with (without the optical disk drive yet) is $633.93 (before the $10 rebate). I think I might wait a little while for some deals, maybe holiday deals do you think?
I am running a hand bulit pc thats only about 2 or 3 years old. Having issues getting Star ocean 3 to run smoothly. any help?

Intel Quad core Q6600 2.4
8 gigs ram
1TB hard drive.
and a 200 gb back up drive.
Windows 7 64 bit.
Star Ocean 3 isn't too easy to emulate, so your CPU speed being only 2.4Ghz is most likely what's holding you back. Try Speedhacks if you haven't, but do know that the game may still come short of full speed. If overclocking your CPU is possible, it will surely make the difference if nothing else can.

Also, consider that you may be using too high of an internal resolution, since that game is relatively GPU heavy (IIRC). Native resolution shouldn't be a problem with that card, I'm sure, so don't be affraid to try it that low if you'd like to get the question of whether you're GPU is limiting out of the way. It's a good idea for when you try to get the best speed you can with Speedhacks. After you do achieve you're best speed, you can simply begin raising the internal res until it starts to reduce your FPS. That will be a relative limit, and you may want to keep it a little less than that even, since some scenes of a game can be more demanding than others.

@ mrjared123:
Well, you're always sure to get a better price if you wait. Just know that if you wait long enough, you might as well hold out for "the next big thing". In the end, waiting for a better price can become a vicious cycle, so be careful. Smile
i have problems with persona 4, good fps in everything but boss battles, it lags to 30, 15 in worst occasions

here are my specs:
AMD phenom II x6 1055T
2048 ram DDR3
Nvidia GeForce 210
winxp sp3 32bit build

using 0.9.8

Based on what I've read on the game, your CPU is a little slow. Be sure and use Speedhacks to help, but it sounds like you may need to OC your CPU a bit to keep full speed.

I'd also make the educated guess that your GPU is causing slowdowns, since a GeForce 210 is a relatively weak GPU (at least it's not integrated. lol). Try lowering the internal res to native.

In general, Your processor may have it's strengths, but it has 2 key weaknesses for PCSX2: It's only 2.8Ghz, and it's a soon-to-be outdated AMD. Your GPU is relatively weaker, though, and will inevitably be a source of slowdown with PCSX2 in general. Again, setting the res to native is about the best you can do for that.

Consider upgrading your GPU in the near future. And not to force change on you, but upgrading your Windows and taking advantage of DX10 is a good idea in general.
(05-11-2011, 06:44 PM)Rezard Wrote: Based on what I've read on the game, your CPU is a little slow. Be sure and use Speedhacks to help, but it sounds like you may need to OC your CPU a bit to keep full speed.

I'd also make the educated guess that your GPU is causing slowdowns, since a GeForce 210 is a relatively weak GPU (at least it's not integrated. lol). Try lowering the internal res to native.

In general, Your processor may have it's strengths, but it has 2 key weaknesses for PCSX2: It's only 2.8Ghz, and it's a soon-to-be outdated AMD. Your GPU is relatively weaker, though, and will inevitably be a source of slowdown with PCSX2 in general. Again, setting the res to native is about the best you can do for that.

Consider upgrading your GPU in the near future. And not to force change on you, but upgrading your Windows and taking advantage of DX10 is a good idea in general.

thanks for the reply, i just OC my computer to 3GHz and the speed has improved (a bit, but it has improved indeed)

i will also try to change the GPU and the OS.

thanks for the help!

(05-11-2011, 06:44 PM)Rezard Wrote: I'd also make the educated guess that your GPU is causing slowdowns, since a GeForce 210 is a relatively weak GPU (at least it's not integrated.  lol).  Try lowering the internal res to native.

Lol, some of Intel's newer IGP actually performs on par or faster than the G210.
LOL! I'd almost have to see it to believe it (not saying I don't believe you).

The thought of an IGP besting this G210 is much easier to believe, as opposed to either this one or that one.

But, hey, it's about time!

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