Read first: Will PCSX2 run fast on my computer?
0.9.8 is out. Try it. Smile

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(05-03-2011, 07:00 PM)Rezard Wrote: 0.9.8 is out. Try it. Smile
Nice. Thanks!

P.S. Xenosaga works like a charm, no slowdown anywhere, not even a frame.
I should try Shadow of the Collosus, if that one flows perfectly like this one, I guess you could call it a day and just leave the emulator as it is.
Wonderful job guys!
(05-03-2011, 06:04 PM)Nastee Wrote: Okay. Isn't a new version supposed to be better than an old one?

"Better" is a relative term... If you mean "better" in terms of speed, then not necessarily so. New versions of PCSX2 will always be more compatible/accurate but there is never a guarantee of speed though the devs do their best on that too.
Hi, I just ordered a new rig and was wondering what kind of performance I can expect from 9.8? (it should be more than sufficient for most games).

CPU: i7 2600k @3.4 GHZ (3.8 turbo boost)(I don't plan to OC for the time being)
GPU: GTX 590
Ram: 16gb @1600mhz

The games that I'm most interested in playing are: P4, Xenosaga, Xenosaga 3, FFX and the difficult to emulate MGS3.
i7 2600k @3.4 ghz
16gb of RAM
MGS3 unlikely... It'll still have slowdowns and I believe the game still suffers from general emulation issues (occasionally falling through solid objects for example). The others should run fine. Xenosaga series may need some tweaking.
Good to hear, how do think it will perform in general terms?
i7 2600k @3.4 ghz
16gb of RAM
The vast vast majority of compatible (IE working) games will run at full speed. Most even in software mode.
That's excellent news! I'm looking forward to having an excuse to go back through all my old PS2 favourites (with the exception of MGS3).
i7 2600k @3.4 ghz
16gb of RAM
(12-15-2008, 04:37 AM)phikhanh Wrote: I don't know why "Windows XP With Service Pack 3" is Recommended , Can We use "Windows XP With Service Pack 2" ? This is because still have many PC Game out there can't run under "Windows XP With Service Pack 3" . Farcry 2 is an example ... !!!

hey i'm using xp sp2 works fine....
God of war 55-60fps

resident evil 4=52-56fps
You might of seen me on earlier posts, but I plan on buying a completly new desktop. It is a DX4850-27EU.

The specs are:

CPU - Intel Core i5-2300 quad-core at 2.8GHz (Turbo Boost to 3.1GHz)
GPU - Intel HD Graphics 2000

I know that PCSX2 only uses 2 of the cores. And I also plan on buying a new GTX 460 and a power supply instead of the terrible Intel. So, is this a good buy? It's only $630.

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