ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
I'll try trunk later
DRI is working for 32bit, well if it just creates an opengl3 context, then it's clear why it fails, as the gf7 has no support for opengl3 Smile

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Hmmm. I see the problem. It's got code for getting the extension list the way OpenGL 2.0 does, and the way OpenGL 3.0 wants it tested, but it's testing to see if glGetStringi exists to trigger the OpenGL 3 code, and that's hardly OpenGL 3 specific. If max_ext returns 0, we could probably test for that instead, and trigger the OpenGL 2 code...
Definitevely the if statement must be changed. glGetStringi is post 3.0 specific (I did not find any mention on 2.1 reference). However a driver are free to provide an implementaion of any opengl3.0 extension. It only get the 3.0 label when at least all requirement are supported.

Anyway, normally my code must fallback to the opengl2 context. Arg, actually I forgot to remove one debug test, it always fallback to the opengl2 context... So you have really an issue with the direct rendering things.

Arcum, IIRC you got some issue with GLSL compatability version. It could be linked to the context creation, with the current method it is only 2.0 (maybe ati drivers create a 3.0 with compatibility). I need to fix my code but it could worth a test.

Edit: I do a quick commit to improve the situation a little I hope.
For reference a doc to create an opengl3 context on windows: http://developer.amd.com/gpu_assets/GL3_WhitePaper.pdf
(05-16-2011, 08:27 PM)gregory Wrote: ... So you have really an issue with the direct rendering things.
nope, the pcsx2 0.9.8 release where i forced the opengl2 extension detection part works fine, 32bit glxinfo and wine too Smile

By the way the direct rendering does not impact extension but speed. For the moment I fix the extensions in my branch and keep OGL3 context creation. I will probably merge back the branch to the trunk in a couple of week. It seems stable on linux and mostly need a sanity check on windows.
Tried to compile this and ran into this error:

In file included from Conf.cpp:25:0:
./../GS.h:53:22: fatal error: PS2Edefs.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [libZeroGSLinux_a-Conf.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adlin5000/Desktop/pcsx2-0.9.8-r4594-linux/kosmos/zerogs/opengl/Linux'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

It would be great if someone could either let me know where I screwed up, or just point me in the right direction for pre-compiled linux version. I'd love to give this a try as from what little digging I've done this seems to be the best (and damm near only) plugin for linux.


p.s. sorry if this has been answered already, 152 pages is a little much to go through.
Desculpe mas como eu baixo isso? ja istalei o pacote do primeiro link mas o sequndo aparesse um monte de coisa e no sei o que baixar por favor me ajude.
Translate by google:
Sorry but how do I download it? already installed the package on the first link but sequndo trim a lot of stuff and know what to download please help me.
(06-11-2011, 11:42 PM)Rafaelpk Wrote: Desculpe mas como eu baixo isso? ja istalei o pacote do primeiro link mas o sequndo aparesse um monte de coisa e no sei o que baixar por favor me ajude.
Translate by google:
Sorry but how do I download it? already installed the package on the first link but sequndo trim a lot of stuff and know what to download please help me.

Essa não parece ser uma boa thread para você fazer essa pergunta. Sugiro que pergunte isso em uma nova thread no Forum "General Discussion and Support" (Windows ou linux, de acordo com o que você usa). E em inglês, pois sou uma exceção aqui e não desenvolvedor.
E arranje mais informação, como screenshots ou mensagens de erro.

(SAP button, just for the record)

This doesn't seem to be a good thread for you do this question. I suggest that you ask this in a new thread in forum "General Discussion and Support" (Windows or linux, according to what you use). And in english, because I'm an exception in here and not developer.
And provide us more information, like screenshots or error messages.
(05-21-2011, 12:16 PM)gregory Wrote: By the way the direct rendering does not impact extension but speed. For the moment I fix the extensions in my branch and keep OGL3 context creation. I will probably merge back the branch to the trunk in a couple of week. It seems stable on linux and mostly need a sanity check on windows.

Has this been merged to trunk yet? I'm having the problem where ZZogl thinks I don't have GL_EXT_framebuffer_object while glxinfo reports that I do.

I tried to compile from trunk, but it seems to require the yet-unreleased SDL 1.3. Before I spend any more time trying to compile, I wanted to check whether this problem is fixed in trunk yet.
Normally it must be fixed, however I can not test my self so I can not give you any guaranty. Anyway maybe you can send us the zzogl log file.

You does not need to have SDL1.3. By default cmake will uses SDL1.2. It is possible to build with a local SDL library. It adds experimental GSdx and forcefeedback for the pad. Anyway, if you does not want to compile: see this thread http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Unofficial-linux-build

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