Official thank you thread
A big thanks to everyone that has contributed to the PCSX2 project!

I've gone through THREE PS2s over the years. My first one was stolen. I bought it when it first came out, and had it for less than a year.

My second was a GT3-A bundle. It lost the ability to read disks... slowly. I tried every trick I could find on the internet. (Putting tape on the disks, adjusting the laser lens, and some other things.) It eventually got to the point where I would have to just simply eject, and then re-insert the disk over and over. Sometimes for hours. As long as I was patient, it eventually worked. It was such a problem, that once I got a game working... I didn't want to turn it off. I got San Andreas working, and left it running. I played it off and on, but left the PS2 on. Around the 3rd day, it died.

My third was given to me used. It had seen hard times. I did my laser lens adjustment, and it worked for a little while. I don't know what was wrong with it, but it failed within a month. (Luckily, the bios was still dumpable.)

So, yeah... I'm really happy that PCSX2 exists. Without it, the huge stack of games I purchased would be worthless. Plus, I never got to finish most of my games. I'm glad to FINALLY have the chance to do so!

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I only just tried pcsx2 today, but I've been a big fan of emulators for years. This one looks great and it's given me a real reason to upgrade my computer. I'd not bothered checking for ps2 emulators before because I knew it would take a lot of power to do well, but it's great to see that it's working and popular.

thanks, and all the best
Have to say coming across this has been a joy. Being able to play those PS2 games I couldn't finish because of how bad or blurry they looked on an HDTV was annoying. But with this I can finally play them to a much better capacity.

Thanks to everyone who contributed and look forward to your future releases.
Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin So So So So Tnx Everytime Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
I can't believe I still havn't posted a thank you. So, thank you everyone that helps put this project together and that keep it that way. It's so fun playing my old ps2 games all the while being able to turn them into a single easy to use digital library. /Hugs all around!
x100 Big Bang Kamehameha Thanks
*removed, avatar is already borderline. This forum has people who can be as young as 13 years old and that was pushing it*
Thank you! Laugh
Thank you for this emulator Smile the only-one ps2 emu
I think I should have done before...

Thank you very much!!

Being a (sort of) programmer myself I know how this is a really complex project... Keep going you coding gurus!
If you ever want GUI advice or design do not hesitate to ask!
SStateMan - a savestate managing tool for PCSX2
Currently playing:
- PS2 -> PCSX2: Stella Deus
- PC : Skyrim
This emulator's quite a feat.

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