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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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What was last working version? Or it was all of the time? (For me fullscreen is ok, but I am on Debian/Lenny)
it had no problem at r207.it happened just when you added the FPS overlay in r210
It's really strange and should not be happened. At least, from code side, 207->210 change is easy and clear.
Zeydlitz,heres an interesting fact ->

SetTexVariablesInt error

That problem only appears in older versions of pcsx2
i was with 0.9.6 (crashed)
r1888 (crashed)
r1972 (no problems)
and newer versions doesnt crash ,just the older than r1888 strange,so this leads to this fact
Im currently using pcsx2-r2632 (0.9.7) , with the latest ZZogl (210), played front mission 5 (english patched, same thing as the original really), unlike gdsx, there are no transparent artifacts (great job), and the shadows are perfect, but there are kinda annoying vertical lines when using antialising (works perfectly without AA).
Yes, I am aware of this, but don't know how to fix it. AA modes sometimes have strange issues.
Is the plugin alright?
There hasnt been newer revisons or is it being dramatically changed?
No, I am just pretty slow with it -- have a lot of things to do. You could target me on specific issue, if you want.
That problem you told me about the Draw/Flush sequence call in ZeroGS 0.97.1 being quicker than in ZZogl
and of course that BIG chalenge- The Gravity Dive
Hello staff

come to ask a help to you:

To compile this plugin for Linux from svn?

Thank you more information!

I am Brazilian, I can not write properly in English so this was menssagem traduzinha by google translator, the translator sorry

Quote:Menssagem original

olá pessoal ,

venho pedir uma ajuda a vocês :

como compila esse plugin para linux a partir do svn ?

Agradeço maiores informações !

Eu sou brasileiro , não sei escrever corretamente em inglês então essa menssagem foi traduzinha pelo google tradutor , desculpe o tradutor