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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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How can i have ZZOGL in Linux ?
How do you get rid of screen shaking for this plugin? It happens in Capcom games like Devil May Cry 1 and 3, Onimusha 1, 2 and 3 but doesn't happen in Resident Evil Code Veronica: X or 4, in gsdx I can use interlace settings like blend bff to stop the shaking, but with the Zero plugins it either shakes or cuts off half the screen.
You need use a new shader's file http://sanechka.spb.ru/svnroot/ruslan/ze.../ps2hw.dat (put in plugins directory) and press F5 to switch interlacing modes. Maybe twice.
This is from targets.cpp lines 2092-2095
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, ptex);
right below is this code :
ERROR_LOG("Failed to create bitmask texture\n");
which spams the console here in ffx on the intro movie where is the sword and the people talking on a campfire.

Now, here http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/NV/...tangle.txt
it says "What is the default wrap state for a texture rectangle?

RESOLUTION: GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. The normal default wrap state is
GL_REPEAT, but that mode is not allowed for rectangular textures?

Also, can you next time change the ps2hw.dat link in the VS from the one in win32 to the one in the ".." dir ? i think the one in win32 folder is the old one (gives weird textures with okami) and when compiles it inserts the .dat direct in the .dll
I don't think it would be working. It's realization of REGION_REPEAT of GS, it's important part, without this FFX would miss around 100% of textures on several areas. I not sure that trouble is in wrapping mode, the most obvious reason of error is incompability with drivers or videocard: this is 1024*1 texture of luminance format.

You could try to change wrap mode, and if it help's I could use this wrap mode. Also you could change RECTANGLE_NV to 2D, as see.
(03-31-2009, 03:59 PM)Val532 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello I post ZZogl R109 for windows (lol).
ZZOgl.dll R109

this is the zzogl i download...! here is the problem i encounter...! in db : infinite word

it's all black...! but when the goku use transform skill the image show up and return to black again...! Laugh
And if turn on Fast Update and No resolve target? BTW, if you load the save made from GSDX, such picture is just normal.
Where can I download this plugin? I've tried on the submitted web page at the beggining of post but it just opens my browser, then there are numerous files. Wich one is the plugin? or wich ones do I need? Latest version.

My rig suports DX10 and SSE4.1 if this helps.

(04-06-2009, 04:31 PM)Zeydlitz Wrote: [ -> ]And if turn on Fast Update and No resolve target? BTW, if you load the save made from GSDX, such picture is just normal.

no hope Sad well looks like ZZOgl still far from perfect...but how bout in linux...? did db : infinite word just fine...!
Well, I put this game on my "Want to buy list".