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Zeydlitz one question... Do you have problems compiling the lastests pcsx2 revisions with build.rb? because i can't compile it, most of the plugins won't compile and the script ends with a error when compiling zerogs. Most of the error are "can't find configure.in" or config.status, etc. I had to go back to rev 1750 to be able to compile it. Any idea? (i had no problem with build.sh)

BTW, ZZOgl Rev. 182 for Linux
Latest version could be compiled only with Code::Blocks IDE -- I wrote about it on Compilation thread.
ok thanks i'll try.

i can't compile it. it asks for wx/setup.h which is in the 3rd party folder. but when i include it it it gives me even more error T_T

-------------- Build: Release in x86emitter ---------------

Compiling: ../../src/x86emitter/3dnow.cpp
../../include/wx/defs.h:42:13: error: #error "No Target! You should use wx-config program for compilation flags!"
../../include/wx/string.h:164:4: error: #error "Please define string case-insensitive compare for your OS/compiler"
../../include/wx/defs.h:212: error: redeclaración del tipo interno de C++ ‘bool’
../../include/wx/defs.h:816: error: anchura cero para el campo de bits ‘wxAssert_817::Wchar_tMustBeExactly2Bytes’
../../include/wx/string.h:166: aviso: no hay una declaración de devolución en la función que no devuelve void
../../include/wx/string.h:827: error: no se puede sobrecargar ‘wxChar& wxString::operator[](unsigned int)’
../../include/wx/string.h:824: error: con ‘wxChar& wxString::operator[](size_t)’
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 2 seconds)
7 errors, 0 warnings

Would it be to much to ask you or anyone who knows, to make a guide to compile pcsx2 rev 1799+ ?
ZZOgl Rev 182 for windows
(09-18-2009, 09:25 PM)laharl2k Wrote: [ -> ]ok thanks i'll try.

i can't compile it. it asks for wx/setup.h which is in the 3rd party folder. but when i include it it it gives me even more error T_T

You need to install wxWidgets dev packages for your distribution. On Debian/Ubuntu it was called something like "wxGTK-dev". Zeydlitz or Arcum42 may have more complete advice for other distros, if that doesn't work for you.
Read this: http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-2373-post...l#pid75393 . Note, that required wx-widgets, is a little higher, than Debian Sid included.
i already had read your post, and instaled wxWidgets from the main page (it wasn't in the ubuntu repos), the errors were with that done.
I'll try instaling ubuntu in a virtual machine and trying to compile there, maybe there's a problem with my files.
LOL the ZZogl r182 in my list is "ZZogl 0.0 .182 xD
(09-19-2009, 10:51 AM)ionsmurf Wrote: [ -> ]ZZOgl Rev 182 for windows

Thanks. This compiling stuff is complicated.
hello guys I am new in linux, and i am using opensuse 11.1, i have 'downloaded' zzogl from svn, or how it is called ... I have this: folder zerogs, in it build.sh and opengl, and got confused how to use build.sh. Help me pls, what to do now ?