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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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Wasn't that the cg toolkit I just installed or are they seperate entities?
yea the same thing. (thought it was "sdk" but it's "toolkit" Smile)
Yeah well I don't think it's that unless I missed a lib or an include somewhere. Without that it wouldn't even compile let alone link.
well here's the link to the latest cg toolkit (update just in case)
http://developer.download.nvidia.com/cg/..._Setup.exe (for windows Smile)
Downloaded that exact one 5 days ago or so.
Such behavior is possible is I forget to add cg.h cgCL,h in some file, probably the one with error message. Oh, and you must wrote the path to cg manually:
Seems like it would be targets.cpp, zerogs.cpp, ZZoglCreate.cpp, and ZZoglShaders.cpp as those are the obj files with the errors.

Unless it was supposed to be included in a header that all those link too.
To everyone: from r64 there was a high slowdown (~10 FPS). It was my fault.
On zerogs.cpp line 2603 bDestAlphaColor == 0;

should be bDestAlphaColor = 0; in revision svn 80. Any wow didn't fix my compile probs but got rid of a lot of warnings. Went from like 67 to 10.
There is an error in ZeroGs.cpp to line ~ 716, added:
char * str;
return str;

and will be good.