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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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Okay maybe one of you can help I've fixed most of the errors but still have 67 most if not all related to undeclared identifier 'gsfb'
Maybe you be a little more specific. File, maybe position in file?
look to all be in ZZohlVB.cpp starting with line 72. it's when you gsfb.fpb and such
How rude from VS to give incorrect message. I forgot to place a header file, with this functions declarations, not a gsfb.
Ha ha you know compilers pointing in the wrong direction 50% of the time and when it is pointing in the right direction is only in the right location 25% of the time.

One last error hat I'm not sure what is up.

It seems to be doing it for every cpp. The only thing I can think is maybe Vista being whiny about permissions.

1>..\Mem.cpp : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:\games\pxsx2\plugins\zzogl\opengl\win32\release\vc90.pdb'
Nah, that's a common problem with MSVC. Make sure to issue a Clean/Rebuild All. That usually alleviates pdb warnings and errors.
I always figured you had to successfully build once before you ran into that. It hellped but now I found an ARRAYSIZE identifier not found in Reg.cpp which was hidden in all that. It seems to be the final compile errors to fix.
Change it to ArraySize. I think that'll fix it, but not 100% sure, since I'm not sure how Zey's code is set up.
Well actually it was Arraysize so I changed the one in the defs to ArraySize and worked sadly now it compiles but linker errors galore of unresolved external symbols _cg.....
22 of them. starting with _cgGLBindProgram and ending with _cgConnectParameter
i think you have to have the Cg SDK installed. Unsure