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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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Hard to tell, what's happened. Encryption trouble was fixed by VU Add/Sub hack. And this game is working for me. Crush a lot on linux, and battle is unplayable, but working.
Same for me it works.... but really slow -_ -; Unable to play... -_ -;;;
Zeydlitz, there's a problem with rev155 with fullscreen. When i start the game, the screen changes to interlaced mod or something, then when changing it back it says something about a virtual resolution, that it can't go back beause the virtual resolution is smaller than the screen's

pcsx2 rev 1176
zzogl rev 155
fglrx - Catalyst 4.5 (i think...)
1024x768 screen / 1024x768 zzogl
Strange, cuz fullscreen doesn't work at all on my computer... (still maximized, but no fullscreen)
Maybe beacuse ur using windows. here i'm with ubuntu
Maybe... Is fullschreen allready integrated in the Windows version?
Well, in r155 I made fullscreen config option workable (It was here all of the time, but was not working), but I does not solve how to close GS window properly.
That's weird, cos i'm using r155, and it goes maximised instead of full schreen...
well, some bugs....

1 and 2 in the screenshot1
1) the numbers apear behind the wall, even thou they are in front of it
2) That "blue" is supposed to be orage/yellow. So screenshots have wrong the colors.
i made some tests and it seems that red and blue are swaped, so it's writing BGR intead of RGB
Screenshot 2 is BGR and screenshot 3 (after swaping red <> blue ) RGB
3) Marking "Save as TGA" saves them as tga with bmp extension.
download link dont work i cant get ZeroGS Kosmos