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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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(11-02-2011, 11:32 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]If you have the same issue as GSdx then it probably the same issue. Gabest did a change on the clutbuffer management. If I'm correct it wrap the buffer address which is not done on ZZogl and it drop the MSB bit of CSA.

The issue's different. In GSdx the colours are fine but some layering or blending seems wrong: the mahjong tiles are blank and some other art appears to be layered in the wrong order. FWIW I can now get this game to work almost flawlessly in ZeroGS by creating a savestate on the title screen and reloading it until the main menu displays correctly (the corruption doesn't always happen with that plugin). If it doesn't corrupt then there will never be any corruption. This doesn't work for ZZogl, where the main menu is always fine but the rest of the game corrupts.

EDIT: Ah, I see the clut and the apparent priority problems are releated. Sorry for my lack of technical expertise, I had not seen the latest source updates when I posted.
Hi there. I recently started experimenting with the settings of this plugin and was quite surprised how nicely it has developed. However when trying to play Sonic Unleashed I ran into mayor problems. After searching through some older threads I found out that most of these problems could be solved by ticking the options "Alpha fail hack" and "Fast update". Unfortunately it seems impossible to tick the fast update option in the current version of the plugin at least as long as the windows version is used. Does an older version of ZZogl exist in which this problem doesn't exist?
guys i got this when trying to build the plugin

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I have used svn to download the source files (as it seems, it is in a directory called "opengl") and now try to comple all this.
I have found this lines to compile it:
cd /path_to_the_source_directory
test -f configure || sh autogen.sh
sudo checkinstall
It looks like that, when I'm trying to do so:
cd /[...]/opengl
test -f configure || sh autogen.sh
sh: Can't open autogen.sh
I've search similar problems here in the topic and at other topics, yet there was no similar case.
If you use the pcsx2 trunk version, you must use cmake not autobuild.
Thank you, it worked well.
Well, actually it didn't worked as I thought.
What should be the command lines to compile it?
Did you read http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/wiki/Comp...deForLinux
Note, you will need all the trunk and not only the zzogl plugin.
Yes, but I don't really understand what I should write for
cmake ../CMakeLists.txt "User Options see above"
for example
Do I need anything of all this or could I just tip
cmake ../CMakeLists.txt
Where do I place the dll