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np. It took a while for 'Sonic Unleashed' and 'ini file issue' to click together in my head. It finally did because I finally had time to check and make sure it was saving settings in Windows.

I just made ZZOgl-pg log what hacks are turned on, and whether they were manually or automatically turned on, btw.

Also, if anyone ever wants to do a full overhaul of the Windows version of the ZZOgl configuration dialog box, just send me a diff, and it's almost certain to be committed. I really don't like how it looks in Windows, and wish it looked more like the Linux version looks currently...
ME!!!!!Ive always wanted to do this!Its true it rly looks boring.I use ResHacker how about a .rc file?

btw ive found a bitmap inside the DLL
bitmap>108>1033 i dont even think this is even needed
As long as I'm able to drop it in as a replacement for the current rc file, everything works on the dialog box, and it looks better then the current one, that'd be fine. The Linux version has all those game hacks in a nice scrollable list, and a number of the radio buttons replaced by combo boxes, btw...
can you send me a picture of the linux dialog so i can navigate a little
i just dunno how to convert the radiobuttons to a 1 combobox
[Image: xcvx4j.png]

i need an integer value for every one combobox and how to make them show there.Ive been working on that but still dunno how to make it work.

my gosh the dialog is a total mess!zeydlitz what have you done!
(07-17-2010, 02:01 PM)SonicXPS2 Wrote: [ -> ]can you send me a picture of the linux dialog so i can navigate a little
i just dunno how to convert the radiobuttons to a 1 combobox
... < snip > ...

i need an integer value for every one combobox and how to make them show there. Ive been working on that but still dunno how to make it work.

The Linux dialog box currently looks like this:

[Image: zmlg76.png]

There's room for improvement, but it's a lot more manageable then the Windows version. (I recoded it mostly from scratch except for the list a while ago.)

And I'm not totally sure on the process of putting together comboboxes in Windows. (Which is one reason why I focus on the Linux side of things; I've got more experience programming on that side of things...)

Edit: And the dialog box was pretty bad when Zeydlitz got it. I recall what the old ZeroGS dialog looked like in Windows...
well this looks good,windows one is crappy,i gotta figure this out,cuz i rly want to make it look better
i will change all but ill leave the comboboxes for later Tongue
oh btw can you send a rc file so i can import it?
Only one I've got is the one in the trunk under zzogl-pg/opengl/Win32/zerogs.rc ...

And anything that looks better is welcome. We can always do the combo boxes in a later change.
true,ill see if its usefull.expect an update in a few days.when its done ill PM you
Sounds good.

Oh, btw, if it's helpful, the Linux dialog box is entirely implemented in zzogl-pg/opengl/Linux/Linux.cpp. So all the text from that version of the dialog box is there....
Here's ZZogl r213 for GNU/Linux, built on Ubuntu Lucid (32-bit).