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Zeydlitz i ran into a problem with ZZogl r2813 when i tried to test Sonic Unleashed
The problem accurs when the SEGA logo has to appear
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥PS2ROOT¥PS2_MOV¥MOVIE1¥SEGALOGO.SFD;1"
sceMpegGetPicture is aborted
btw this happens in the newest revisions of PCSX2,it works fine for r1888
P.S. sorry for the double post
Just as a reminder, any of the zzogl-pg versions are considered somewhat experimental, and I recommend keeping a copy of the current copy of zzogl (211) around as well and switching to it if you run into any issues with zzogl-pg. In particular, I know of at least one bug introduced in the new memory transfer code affecting revisions 2761+. It's probably going to be a tricky one to fix, and it'll be a few days before I can look into it, as I noticed the issue *after* I was out of time to code.

(The test case I have, incidentally, is the Dragon Quest 8 splash screen, which should have a transparent background , not an ugly orange one...)

And I'll think about modifying the gui to allow for custom resolutions. It just isn't at the top of my priority list right now...
no problem take your time Wink
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but it contains my error message. I initially downloaded the stable linux release and tried FFX with poor results. There were many artifacts that occurred and for some reasons my characters were upside down during battle.

Im now running the linux beta version of pcsx2 with the ZZ Ogl 0.2.211 graphics plugin. I have tried numerous other plugins in this thread but havent had any luck. I currently have multi-core running under CPU as well. The game loads, and I actually can get and play FFX fine. The problem is its failing to render ground textures properly. Sometimes it seems to be fine, but most of the time not. The error message is:
ZZogl: Failed to create bitmask texture; ZZogl: bitmask cache 0; ZZogl: Invalid operation

Ive included a screenshot to give you an idea of what Im talking about. I actually installed a beta version of pcsx2 on a windows box and the same area I show in the screenshot has the ground rendered wonderfully. Unfortunately, I dont run Windows on my home box (Installed on friends box, moved save game over) so this is an issue for me. Id be glad to debug or do whatever you suggest, but I am rather inexperienced with pcsx2.

FYI, Im running Xubuntu 9.10 64 bit with all the 32bit libs installed. I have an i7 920 at 3.0GHz (tried setting bclck back to standard and it didnt help), 6GB RAM, and a Nvidia 9800GTX+ vid card.
try 212.
ZZOgl Rev. 212 for linux
Incidentally, I resolved the issue I mentioned earlier in the memory transfer code in r2820. And I've updated the version in trunk to have the changes from ZZOgl 212.

I've also done other changes that may or may not break things, so you're still best off keeping copies of both. Also, I recommend that anyone compiling zzogl-pg use build.sh, as the version of the plugin generated by the codeblocks project is buggy. I haven't quite determined the reason yet...
Fixes the ground geometry issue perfectly. The environment is rendered perfectly. Now for some reason though, my characters jump and flicker in battle in most cases. Most of the time it is up and down (the flicker), but in some camera angles the character will flash forward and backwards. When a random enemy battle occurs, the screen just turns black for about a second and then shows my party with a few fragments blowing away as well. I once again went through the options and tried enabling/disabling things, but I didnt have any luck. It does not do this with Windows at all. Ill keep checking this thread for whenever revisions come out and let you know if one fixes the issues. Any other things I might try?

**EDIT** This post was after trying the plugin posted by laharl2k. Should I try to compile the one arcum42 speaks of, or are the revisions not likely to fix the problems im having?
That sounds like a core emulation bug, most likely on VU0 macro or the FPU..
And on previous release there was no such flickering? Try this, maybe I made a mistake in a shader file, so it could be solvable.

p.S. rev 212 remove wrapping for bitmask (it's a trick to made a mosaic from several textures -- skyline for example, and ground to). So right now there could be a new issues, that I don't expect. According to nVidia manual, this wrapping should be unsupported and generate error, so it's strange, that such errors was really rare.