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O'k. If you don't mind, try to fix by messing-up with constants.

In zerogs.cpp, in function SetTexVariablesInt there is code:

v.y = 1.0f;
v.x = (fpageint-(float)pmemtarg->realy/(float)pmemtarg->widthmult+0.5f);//*v.y;
v.z = (float)texwidth;

if( !(g_nPixelShaderVer & SHADER_ACCURATE) || bUseBilinear ) {
if (!PSMT_ISHALF(tex0.psm))
v.w = 0;
v.w = 0.25f;
v.w = 0.5f;

cgGLSetParameter4fv(pfragment->fPageOffset, v);

It's bilinear settings, you could play with v.w and v.w a little. Try to change v.w to values such as -0,5, +1 etc. Mainly, this code is o'k, but a big unperfect.
wow, you are right, I had anisotropic filtering set to 16x, in the control panel, I had no idea this does affect OpenGL though o.o nice find!
Nice :-).
here's how it looks now :

[Image: pcsx2%202009-02-28%2014-28-39-48.jpg]

a word on performance : Persona4 is around 20 fps, i'm quite surprised cause GSDX in software mode in the same spot does around 35fps, but still i'm glad we managed to get it running Laugh i guess more optimisation will improve this Smile
Try to change scene, it could be interplugins save/load trouble (when loading in other plugin than save performance degrade is usual). And try to compare with ZeroGS DX, it could told a little more.

p.S. And debug version is known to be slow.
well i'm running the release version of course, tested also with FFXI, appears some objects have texture issues like here :

[Image: pcsx2%202009-02-28%2015-07-01-48.jpg]

going to test with other titles Smile

also there appears to be some kind of a flickering boarder at the top of the screen as you can see in the shot
Try to compare with ZeroGS OGL, please! It could be my error, and in that case I eager to know it -- I don't want to increase errors.

p.S. In FFX there was a bug with battles, I
it's exactly the same thing for ZeroGS OGL with FFX Wink just tested, with the textures
(02-28-2009, 04:27 PM)chuuey Wrote: [ -> ]wow, you are right, I had anisotropic filtering set to 16x, in the control panel, I had no idea this does affect OpenGL though o.o nice find!

No problem. I remember how much it drove me crazy 'till I figured it out... Smile
wow, i really can't compile this, while i can compile zerogs this one gives me a ton of error, some he's trying to get files in strange directories (like 4 directories above him)...