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(07-17-2010, 02:54 PM)arcum42 Wrote: [ -> ]zzogl-pg/opengl/Linux/Linux.cpp

well the resource language is quite different from windows language
aa_label = gtk_label_new("Anti-Aliasing for Higher Quality(F6)");
        aa_box = gtk_combo_box_new_text();

        gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), "1X - No Anti-Aliasing");
        gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), "2X - Anti-Aliasing x 2");
        gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), "4X - Anti-Aliasing x 4");
        gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), "8X - Anti-Aliasing x 8");
        gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), "16X - Anti-Aliasing x 16");
        gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(aa_box), conf.aa);
but it has given me some ideas to try

Great now i know how to make comboboxes in Linux xD but still NO WINDOWS! Tongue

btw can someone compile the r213 windows build cuz im still on r210
I installed cg toolkit on my old pc so i can edit all from there Tongue
The Windows dialog's been updated, so you may want to look at r3559/r3560...
using r3560 and latest ZZogl plugin
bomberman dx kart (J) the cars in the title screen are a bit messed up
doesnt happen in the other plugins

Is it new issue, or regression? Older version of ZZogl? And try to use no-alpha hack, sometimes it's help.
what is the progress of the plugin?
is it comparable to gsdx or it is too early for that?
i tried the zzogl from r2860 and used the no-alpha hack but still the same problem
Bully (NTSC-U)
using r3560 and latest ZZogl plugin
lots of flickering (from developers screens to gameplay)
Doesnt happen in gsdx
all the hacks i tried didnt fix it and tried older ZZogl from r2860 and all the developers screens had no flickering but the gameplay did have flickering
looks like Disney Golf (U) has the same problem as Bomberman dx Kart (J)

(07-24-2010, 10:11 AM)arcum42 Wrote: [ -> ]The Windows dialog's been updated, so you may want to look at r3559/r3560...

Nice job acrum42.You organized it better.Now we just need to figure out to put it in comboboxes Tongue

btw i forgot.Theres a change in button shortcuts
"Show Frames per Second" is not Shift+F7, its only F7
"Wireframe rendering" is not F7, its Shift+F7
just a slite LTEXT change an it will be ok. Smile
Hey guys.

Well, I don't want to ask noobish questions, but as i see, there is probably no Windows download on this one. As i've now read after flying over some posts, you have to build it yourself.

Does someone has a Windows version on this, which is already compiled? Would help me so much i think...