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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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(06-27-2011, 07:57 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]Normally it must be fixed, however I can not test my self so I can not give you any guaranty. Anyway maybe you can send us the zzogl log file.

You does not need to have SDL1.3. By default cmake will uses SDL1.2. It is possible to build with a local SDL library. It adds experimental GSdx and forcefeedback for the pad. Anyway, if you does not want to compile: see this thread http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Unofficial-linux-build

Thanks. I used the unofficial build you posted at the other thread, but I still get the same error. Here are the contents of GSzzogl.log:

Creating ZZOgl window.Got Doublebuffered Visual!
glX-Version 1.4
You have Direct Rendering!
0 supported OpenGL Extensions:
ZZogl: ERROR: Need GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for multiple render targets
ZZogl: *********
ZZogl: OGL WARNING: Need GL_EXT_secondary_color
ZZogl: *********

I am running this from a 32-bit chroot on Debian, using a GeForce 7600 with Nvidia drivers version 275.09.07. I can post the output of glxinfo if you like, but it indeed lists GL_EXT_framebuffer_object as supported.
Either the log is wrong (delete it) and retry. Or you did not use the good version !
(06-28-2011, 07:38 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]Either the log is wrong (delete it) and retry. Or you did not use the good version !

Seems I needed to delete my existing ~/PCSX2 and possibly ~/.config/pcsx2. After that I was getting the same error as in http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/issues/detail?id=1070, but the patch you posted there (reverting to an OpenGL 2.0 context) fixed it. Thanks!
Cool. By the way I think it is enough to change the plugin directory.
The first post is not informative enough for usual users, so the questions:

1) Is the plugin compatible with PCSX2 0.9.8 ?

2) Where a more or less current version for windows can be downloaded from?

3) Are the "cg.dll" and "cgGL.dll" files still needed for it to run?

I downloaded some compiled vesrion for win from somewhere (just a dll file), but it even didn't appear in the list of plugins in PCSX2 0.9.8....
1/ Yes
2/ I do not know, you can probably compile it from source
3/ Yes

Plugin does not appear if you miss some dll.
Hello dear community. Im new to the pcsx2 emulator.

Im currently a linux user (ubuntu 10.04); and I would like to know how to compile this plugin, i have installed the ppa from gregory that uses ZZogl PG 0.3.0 Im wondering if this is better than the ZeroGS plugin, so i would like to know how to compile cause i'm having some issues, I have tried to compile the whole pcx2 from google code, but everytime it shoes i need an alsa_library alsa_library_dir and bzip2 library among others I have tried to installed them ... alsa-utils alsa-tools libclalsadrv-dev but I cant fix it please help me Im looking forward to play Final fantasy X with more than 29 fps... I have an athlon 64 x2 4000 2.1 ghz and an Gts 450 1gb nvidia card. So please how can i compile this or where can i get a build from zerogs?
No zerogs is not better. Anyway, your CPU is old and slow, nothing you can do here except. Anyway you miss the following library : libasound2, libasound2-dev, libbz2-1.0, libbz2-dev.

where is the most recent verison of this plugin that is compiled already for windows, as I do not know how to compile the stuff....
Well speaking about windows, you can get all latest binaries from here: http://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/ but I'm not really sure if ZZogl got much if any updates concerning windows from latest stable version(0.9.8 r4600).