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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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Someone attach a windows dll please? I'd like to see how it runs Wink
No probleme I up mine.
ZZogl R73
Val532: did you notice any difference? I play with alpha-settings and probably could perform something strange.
I see a slight differences in color (probably the lighting) and I put 16x FSAA enabled so it is a carpet on the ground that I did not before, but as I do not play much with the plug-in I can not say much else except that you are well advanced and that helps you so I should congratulate you for that.
When I try to load Val532's DLL I get the following message from the output window:

Plugin load failure: plugins\ZZOgl.dll
SysLibError Message: <NULL>
do you have Cg.dll in the base of pcsx2 folder?
(03-04-2009, 11:18 PM)chuuey Wrote: [ -> ]do you have Cg.dll in the base of pcsx2 folder?

No, I don't. Is that included in the installer for pcsx?
For me (on my PC) even when Cg.dll files are not present in my case Pcsx 2 plug in works. This may be because I have the Nvidia Cg tool ...
got the same error I downloaded the cg.dll but didn't seem to help...
try downloading the nvidia cg toolkit then, relatively small file Wink