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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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MaiXiMu, sorry, but I could not understand. For me Okami have a ton of issues in ZZogl, and simply unplayable. And FFX hack are far from be connected with both Okami and Sonic.
thanks for all the information quiet is achieved with time and thanks for the work Tongue2

I think I will include ZZogl in my pcsx2-svn package for Arch Linux Smile http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=21899
Do it.
So, with the 141 revision, I have persons on screen, water is present, but there are missing texture sometimes. It disapear and replace by a black texture in certain place. And of course FPS are low, but you are near the solution Laugh !
GT4 PAL seems to be broken.
I have tried revision 141, attached the screenshot:
In the main menu, the Icons are invisible.

I've traced that behavior back to revision 129.
Can I help you somehow, Log-Files etc.?
Sorry, r129 affected or not affected?
i think he means it broke in 129
There is no reason for you to say sorry! Smile
I have tried most of the revisions I found in this thread, r125 seems the latest revision that was not affected.
So 125 not affected, 129 affected? To bad, there is a lot of code here :-(. First, could you give me a picture of 125 and 129, please. Second -- try no resolve targets options.