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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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Send, of course. Most of them are trivial. And try r125 -- I made a little change to resolve some of issues.
Thank you for the 125 revision. I post screenshoots of what I see. I think it's easier.

Shadow Hearts 3 :
[Image: capture1alf.th.png]
[Image: capture2y.th.png]
FMV are in very good quality !
[Image: capture3n.th.png]

After I select "New Game", PCSX2 is closing. I have this message ;
ZeroGS: video mem reset
[MPEG ERROR]internal alignment error. _bstag:32
ZeroGS: video mem reset
ZeroGS: video mem reset
/usr/local/bin/pcsx2: line 6: 32205 Erreur de segmentation  ./pcsx2 $*

[Image: capture4.th.png]
(See the missing texture on the left!)

Rogue Galaxy :
[Image: capture5.th.png]
[Image: capture6.th.png]
I have many 1 0 0 who appears in the consol.

Nobody appears on screen
[Image: capture8.png]

ZeroGS: Invalid unpack type                                                        
ZeroGS: Failed to create bitmask texture
ZeroGS: Failed to create bitmask texture
ZeroGS: Invalid unpack type
Shadow Hearts trouble I see, and I would like to see isn't it pcsx2 trouble. About FFX and FFXII. I think that nothing could be made :-(. The error was made by following command:


This string have following sence: made a luminance (lightning) texture of size 1024*1 (GPU_TEXMASKWIDTH = 1024) and type GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV from the array data. If it failed, than you videodriver does not support such textures. Maybe it's too big. Maybe drivers are too old?
what about the over bright and grey screen in KH 2? gonna be fixed soon ?
Not to soon.
@ satan666 - I've managed to compile the .dll file successfully, thanks for the help yesterday... It was useful today when I redid all the thing from the start
@ vborovic
=) Good to hear.
Zeydlitz :

I have installed the last driver from NVIDIA.

FFXII : with the previous plugin, I have a player but the game is very very ugly. With your last plugin, the game is very beautiful, but I lost my player.

Shadow Hearts 3 : Now screen are really quite good (just thiny little black line). PCSX2 is closing always
when I choose "New Game".

FFX : No change.

You are progressing, you are progressing Laugh !
Try to turn off resolve targets.
No change with "No Resolve Target" on or off, but I saw that FFXHACK is enable, and I can't remove it (it is not listed in "Advanced Option"). In this last version, water are not present, but it is good in the previous version.