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How do you log console output? I cant read the lines at the beginning because it repeats CG ERROR message infinite.

I dont think its a bug because the BIOS won't work either. So its probably something changed to mess it up. Maybe my video drivers..

Woah youre the author. So much hard work...

I will try with another game CD hold on.

Nah, same result for Mana Khemia.
Well, first, try to delete cg.dll and cgGL.dll from pcsx2 folder, maybe it's libary versions conflict.
Nope same thing.

For bugs, i cant say anything else other than it says

ZZogl: ->: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle. "

1000 times really fast filling the whole window multiple times and then the program closes.

It says some other stuff before that but I cant read cuz console filled up.
And you videocard is? Also, try to first one of the first ZZogl revisions. Just for check.

p.S. It would be important to find previous ZZogl messages, so I could found piece of code, that made this error. Strange one, really.
My card is 9800GTX+ from evga. Driver is 182.47 tweaked by GOZ. It's fast driver. CPU Core 2 Due e6750 2.67GHz. Usually I overclock to 3.5GHz maybe thats why it used to work... i will overclocking and switching drivers later.

I tried the old build 56m same thing. From 4shared.

I found a log file:

creating zerogs
ZeroGS: ERROR: Need GL_EXT_framebufer_object for multiple render targets
ZeroGS: *********
ZeroGS: OGL WARNING: Need GL_EXT_secondary_color
ZeroGS: *********
Cg error: CG ERROR : "An unsupported GL extension was required to perform this operation."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."
Cg error: CG ERROR : "Invalid context handle."

I tried messing with the gfx config turning off multiple render targets and checking color related things, since the log file seems to indicate that stuff, no dice. I wonder if some old game installed an old version of openGL and theres a way to install new one... Or maybe GL library is old............ its April 2009. I will see if i can get those.
Nice, very nice. The only two strings, that could made such error is:

if( cgGLIsProfileSupported(CG_PROFILE_ARBVP1) != CG_TRUE ) {
if( cgGLIsProfileSupported(CG_PROFILE_ARBFP1) != CG_TRUE ) {

Because in you log previous -- Need GL_EXT_secondary_color, and no message about maximum texture size. And this messeage are very rude, you videocard are capable for GL_EXT_secondary_color (I know it, all 9800's have this -- it's OpenGL 1.2!). And this output means, that you videodriver is not support OpenGL 1.2, that's possible, but pretty strange.
Maybe your windows has started to do nonsense XD.
You should try this with a fresh windows installation and see if this happens again.
I reinstalled drivers and deleted Rune. That fixed it.

Unfortunately Echo Night: Beyond is still hella ugly.

Rune is an OpenGL game so maybe it was causing the problem. Or some kind of driver malfunction. I did mess with the driver in the registry to try to unlock something... but it didnt work.

*sigh* I wanna play Echo Night Beyond.
Give me a picture of ugly game. Maybe I could improve it a little. Good options is No Alpha Hack, Fast Updates, Specular higghlights, Resolve Hack 1 and 2. Turn them on. Also try 16bit targets.
Cool. Well I tested some settings.

If Specular Highglights is checked no graphics are drawn.

If Tex target checking or 'Hedgehog. Ghost in the shell' is checked it fixes all the anomalies. But the ghost doesnt display. This game is about ghosts so if they dont display...

The HUD is the source of the anomaly. It occupies the lower half of the screen which totally glitches out unless either Fast Update, Tex target checking or Hedgehog, Ghost in the shell is checked. Fast Update slows everything down tho so the other 2 are better. Also I think Fast Update makes everything green tinted when flashlight is off.

I think Fast Update also removes text, which might be a problem, but some setting or other, probably Tex target checking keeps text.

Oh yeah, the main problems now are speed (slow) and ghost doesnt display. No matter what settings or vanilla, ghost does not display. Until you give him the flask and he is ready to pass on, then he appears and disappears in a flash of light. Prolly its 2D or something. The ghost is present in GSDX, but there are loads of other problems...

Mainly the trouble is garbage on screen, missing walls with no settings checked. But if you could fix the ghost displaying it would be a complete game... ehehehe

GSDX screens (ghost is more clear as you move closer. dont worry gsdx glitches badly too...)
[Image: ghost.th.png]
[Image: ghost2.th.png]

zzOgl r182 screens (glitch)
[Image: screen1fd.th.png]
[Image: screen1ga.th.png]
[Image: screen1h.th.png]

As it is the game is so slow in ZZogl that i would rather keep playing in gsdx with glitches... maybe its not so bad.. i can compensate using my imagination..

Actually if i could make a patch to remove the HUD that would probably fix the issue in GSDX as well. Because the trouble in GSDX is the HUD as well i think. ro the right of the HUD the whole screen makes invisible walls and blurry stuff. And on the left side of the screen over the HUD, there are black rectangles sometimes. So the HUD has something to do with the ghost in the shell hack, fast updates or tex target checking. Can you tell me anything that would help me make a patch? Can you even make patches for the game that do that? I may start a thread dedicated to Echo Night Beyond. What should I do?

I dont know why i care so much, its a really good game..

Oh wait slow zzOgl is also because speed hacks disabled. My bad.

Maybe i can get the gsdx ppl to help me remove the HUD or make a patch. Advice would be cool since youre nice... i dont know what the others will think so its best to have a plan.

i probly only care about the game to distract myself from the passage of time or personal problems. things i dont wanna think about.. or maybe its cuz im hooked on games like heroin