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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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I believe its this (ZZOgl r2765),am i wrong?
0.21.210 is uncluded in the 7z archive
you have to compile it, if you don't know about that, then you're out of luck, there's no zzogl already compiled for the newer version of pcsx2.
Look in the BEta section of the forum, that there are packs, of newer versions of pcsx with all the necesary plugins

PS don't doble post, if u need to add some information just edit the old one and add it there.

PS-2: SEARCH through the pages of this threat, some people post the versions they compile. download them, try if any works. if they don't, download pcsx2 0.9.6 from the website
"I believe its this (ZZOgl r2765),am i wrong?
0.21.210 is uncluded in the 7z archive "

it is the emulator + plugins + zzogl ?
lol, i have download zzOGL r2765 and add in plugins folder but it still cant play T__T and here is my log :

PCSX2 beta (r2186) - compiled on Nov 11 2009
Savestate version: 8b410001
CPU vendor name = GenuineIntel
FamilyID = a
x86Family = Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz
CPU speed = 2.493 ghz
Cores = 4 physical [4 logical]
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 0c08e3bd
x86EFlags = 20100000

Detected MMX
Detected SSE
Detected SSE2
Detected SSE3
Detected SSSE3
Detected SSE4.1
Not Detected SSE4.2

Loading plugins...
Plugins loaded successfully.
Plugin load failure: plugins\ZeroGS.dll
SysLibError Message: <NULL>
Loading plugins...
Plugins loaded successfully.
Initializing plugins...
Plugins initialized successfully.
Bios Version 2.0
Bios Warning > rom1 not found.
Bios Warning > rom2 not found.
Bios Warning > erom not found.
Framelimiter rate updated (UpdateVSyncRate): 59.94 fps
Opening Plugins...
MTGS > Thread Started, Opening GS Plugin...
MTGS > GSopen Finished, return code: 0xffffffff
An unhandled or unrecoverable exception occurred, with the message:


Pcsx2 will now close. More details may be available via the emuLog.txt file.
Closing plugins...
Plugins closed successfully.
Shutting down plugins...
Plugin shutdown complete.
Look at logs/gsLog.txt file -- it contain plugin output.
i don't know this erro is ...
There is my gsLog.txt :

Using ZZ Ogl PG :0.1.0
creating zerogs
ZZogl: ERROR: Need GL_EXT_framebufer_object for multiple render targets
ZZogl: *********
ZZogl: OGL WARNING: Need GL_EXT_secondary_color
ZZogl: *********
arbvp1 not supported
arbfp1 not supported
There are two versions of ZZOgl.

Here's ZZOgl-r210.dll compiled from r211 and displayed as ZZogl 0.21.209, configuration file is zerogs.ini, BTW the version number is different.

ZZOgl-r2793.dll compiled from SVN and displayed as ZZOgl PG 0.1.0, configuration file is zzogl-pg.ini

They are even using different configuration files in the inis folder, I'm confused which one should I choose?
Quote:ZZogl: ERROR: Need GL_EXT_framebufer_object for multiple render targets
It's mean that videocard is not capable to run ZZogl. To weak.

Quote:They are even using different configuration files in the inis folder, I'm confused which one should I choose?
Second one is more recent.
anyone help me ?

or send me link emulator + plugins + ZZogl then i can use it Laugh
Download the official version here which also includes plugins(r1888)

what model is your GPU anyway?
if you want to run ZZogl preffered Nvidia 8xxx series / ATI 1400 or above