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Hi Zeydlitz
Just wanna to report some bugs with ZZOGL in Castlevanias (LoI and CoD, may be you will fix these eventually):
-> the first one is a vertical black lines when internal res. isn't native:
[Image: hiresbug.th.jpg]
-> the second one - there is no main character shadow displayed
-> and, as you can see, screeshot func broken (<here> is the screenshot from with gsdx - the colors are correct) in fullscreen mode (Vista SP1, Nvidia GTX260, 182.xx)
Milty, this errors on open stages have meanings: openGL realisation for you videocard is not complete and miss impartant functionality.

Kein -- maybe in future.
(04-28-2009, 06:39 AM)Zeydlitz Wrote: [ -> ]Milty, this errors on open stages have meanings: openGL realisation for you videocard is not complete and miss impartant functionality.
maybe you need to update your graphics drivers (or reinstall them), or if both don't fix the problem then try running as admin (right click pcsx2->run as admin) Smile
haquel, I put compiled versions for r109 to r124 into http://sanechka.spb.ru/svnroot/ruslan/compilled/. Could you check, from what revision this issue start?
Thx Zeydlitz ! I tried all your plugins with my game

From 108 to 123 : I can see the heroes, and water but with bad graphical textures. From 124 to 125, heroes are missing, water too, but graphical textures are good.

FFX-2 :
124 : Good, FPS are better in the FMV (approximatively 46/49 in the begin and 37/40 in the end). But textures in game are missing.
125 : Missing textures in the presentation of the game. First screen have missing textures, I can see the wheel turn, and choose my game, but that's all.

Star Ocean 3 :
125 : FMV don't work, but I have the screen to choose new game, I can choose my options after, but freeze when the game begin.

FFX : Always the same problem.

Shadow Hearts 3 : Always the same.
SO3 under linux is not working -- you should go to interpreter mode. And then back again.

About FF missing textures -- lets' recheck r123, r124 and r125. I recompile it to have a guarantee that it's correct revisions. Try them again, please.
ZZOgl R135 (Aka. R138)
The display at the time of reading becomes r137.
Comrads! 134-139 is still technical updates :-). Nothing important, really. I was searching missing feedback in KH1 and seems that I found it.
Zeydlitz Wrote:Comrads! 134-139 is still technical updates :-). Nothing important, really. I was searching missing feedback in KH1 and seems that I found it.

Roger that comrade. Laugh