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Full Version: ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
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I have created a new folder on my skydrive for ZZOgl for windows and Rev 115 is uploaded : ZZOgl on my skydrive
Thank you Val532!!! I've downloaded it, I'm gonna try it now and give some feedback! =D thanks again!
Err... I downloaded the file, puted it in plugins directory and it gets an error when loading pcsx (console error):

Plugin load failure: plugins\ZZOgl-r115m.dll
SysLibError Message: NULL
Yes, it's common trouble in windows. As far as I know, you need Cg.dll and CgGL.dll files from nvidia CG-toolkit into pcsx2 directory.
Thanks Zeydlitz! I have downloaded the cg toolkit, placed the libraries in my directory and now I am able to run with the plugin!

I just have one question, is there a way to change the "real" resolution (the "internal" equivalent to gsdx)? My screen is 1280x800, so I choose, say 1024x768. But the graphics are too pixelated, wich leads me to think the windows is 1024x768, while the graphics itself are being rendered in ps2 native resolution. Am I right or am I wrong? And is there a way to have higher resolutions?
The AA option basically does that you just have preset res's vs gsdx which allows you to pick whatever you want
Yes, it's AA option. The rule is:
AA target res
no AA x * y
x2 2x * y
x4 2x * 2y
x8 4x * 2y
x16 4x * 4y
Alright a new prob...
already placed in same place...! so the problem is when i start the emu it says that cg.dll not found...!
but the Plugin already loaded...also i can start a game...! dunno what's wrong...!
Well, maybe you run some other graphical plugin, not ZZogl?
I have an ATI, placing the ZZOgl-r115m.dll in /plugins doesn't work.
Any idea ?